diff --git a/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html b/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html index efdce3cc..cd912483 100644 --- a/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html +++ b/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html @@ -223,101 +223,102 @@ var searchBox = new SearchBox("searchBox", "search",false,'Search');  CHTTPTransportHTTPTransport executes a HTTP request using the specified URL, HTTP method, headers, and body. This class can only issue a synchronous HTTP request  CInitializationStateTracks whether data are initialized  CInitializationStateDcheckTracks whether data are initialized, triggering a DCHECK assertion on an invalid data access - CMachMessageServerRuns a Mach message server to handle a Mach RPC request for MIG servers - CInterfaceA Mach RPC callback interface, called by Run() - CMachOImageAnnotationsReaderA reader for annotations stored in a Mach-O image mapped into another process - CMachOImageReaderA reader for Mach-O images mapped into another process - CMachOImageSegmentReaderA reader for LC_SEGMENT or LC_SEGMENT_64 load commands in Mach-O images mapped into another process - CMachOImageSymbolTableReaderA reader for symbol tables in Mach-O images mapped into another process - CSymbolInformationInformation about a symbol in a module’s symbol table - CMemoryMapRegionSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a region of the memory map present in the snapshot process - CMemorySnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a region of memory present in a snapshot process - CDelegateAn interface that MemorySnapshot clients must implement in order to receive memory snapshot data - CMinidumpContextAMD64An x86_64 (AMD64) CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file - CMinidumpContextAMD64WriterThe writer for a MinidumpContextAMD64 structure in a minidump file - CMinidumpContextWriterThe base class for writers of CPU context structures in minidump files - CMinidumpContextX86A 32-bit x86 CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file - CMinidumpContextX86WriterThe writer for a MinidumpContextX86 structure in a minidump file - CMinidumpCrashpadInfoAdditional Crashpad-specific information carried within a minidump file - CMinidumpCrashpadInfoWriterThe writer for a MinidumpCrashpadInfo stream in a minidump file - CMinidumpExceptionWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM stream in a minidump file - CMinidumpFileWriterThe root-level object in a minidump file - CMinidumpHandleDataWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DATA_STREAM stream in a minidump and its contained MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DESCRIPTOR s - CMinidumpMemoryInfoListWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO objects - CMinidumpMemoryListWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR objects - CMinidumpMemoryWriterThe base class for writers of memory ranges pointed to by MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR objects in a minidump file - CMinidumpMiscInfoWriterThe writer for a stream in the MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO family in a minidump file - CMinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordPDB20WriterThe writer for a CodeViewRecordPDB20 object in a minidump file - CMinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordPDB70WriterThe writer for a CodeViewRecordPDB70 object in a minidump file - CMinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordWriterThe base class for writers of CodeView records referenced by MINIDUMP_MODULE::CvRecord in minidump files - CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoAdditional Crashpad-specific information about a module carried within a minidump file - CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoLinkA link between a MINIDUMP_MODULE structure and additional Crashpad-specific information about a module carried within a minidump file - CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoListAdditional Crashpad-specific information about modules carried within a minidump file - CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoListWriterThe writer for a MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList object in a minidump file, containing a list of MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo objects - CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoWriterThe writer for a MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo object in a minidump file - CMinidumpModuleListWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_MODULE objects - CMinidumpModuleMiscDebugRecordWriterThe writer for an IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC object in a minidump file - CMinidumpModuleWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_MODULE object in a minidump file - CMinidumpRVAListA list of RVA pointers - CMinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryA list of key-value pairs - CMinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntryA key-value pair - CMinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntryWriterThe writer for a MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntry object in a minidump file - CMinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryWriterThe writer for a MinidumpSimpleStringDictionary object in a minidump file, containing a list of MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntry objects - CMinidumpSystemInfoWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO stream in a minidump file - CMinidumpThreadListWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_THREAD objects - CMinidumpThreadWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD object in a minidump file - CMinidumpUTF8StringA variable-length UTF-8-encoded string carried within a minidump file - CModuleSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a code module (binary image) loaded into a snapshot process - CNotifyServerA server interface for the notify Mach subsystem - CDefaultInterfaceA concrete implementation of Interface that provides a default behavior for all notify routines - CInterfaceAn interface that the different request messages that are a part of the notify Mach subsystem can be dispatched to - CPEImageAnnotationsReaderA reader of annotations stored in a PE image mapped into another process - CPEImageReaderA reader for PE images mapped into another process - CPointerContainerAllows a standard container to “own” pointer elements stored in it - CProcessInfoGathers information about a process given its HANDLE. This consists primarily of information stored in the Process Environment Block - CHandle - CModuleContains information about a module loaded into a process - CProcessReaderAccesses information about another process, identified by a Mach task - CModuleContains information about a module loaded into a process - CThreadContains information about a thread that belongs to a task (process) - CProcessReaderWinAccesses information about another process, identified by a HANDLE - CThreadContains information about a thread that belongs to a process - CProcessSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a process - CProcessSnapshotMacA ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Mac OS X system - CProcessSnapshotMinidumpA ProcessSnapshot based on a minidump file - CProcessSnapshotWinA ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Windows system - CPruneConditionAn abstract base class for evaluating crash reports for deletion - CRegistrationRequestA client registration request - CRegistrationResponseA client registration response - CScopedForbidReturnAsserts that a scope must not be exited while unsafe - CScopedProcessSuspendManages the suspension of another process - CScopedTaskSuspendManages the suspension of another task - CSemaphoreAn anonymous in-process counting sempahore - CServerToClientMessageThe response sent back to the client via SendToCrashHandlerServer() - CSettingsAn interface for accessing and modifying the settings of a CrashReportDatabase - CData - CShutdownRequestA message only sent to the server by itself to trigger shutdown - CStringFileA file reader and writer backed by a virtual file, as opposed to a file on disk or other operating system file descriptor-based file - CStringHTTPBodyStreamAn implementation of HTTPBodyStream that turns a fixed string into a stream - CSystemSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a system, comprising an operating system, CPU architecture, and various other characteristics - CTaskMemoryAccesses the memory of another Mach task - CMappedMemoryA memory region mapped from another Mach task - CThreadBasic thread abstraction. Users should derive from this class and implement ThreadMain() - CThreadLogMessagesCaptures log messages produced on the current thread during an object’s lifetime - CThreadSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a thread (lightweight process) present in a snapshot process - CToolSupportCommon functions used by command line tools - CTSimpleStringDictionaryA map/dictionary collection implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations - CEntryA single entry in the map - CIteratorAn iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleStringDictionary - Cuint128_structStores a 128-bit quantity - CUniversalMachExcServerA server interface for the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems, unified to handle exceptions delivered to either subsystem, and simplified to have only a single interface method needing implementation - CInterfaceAn interface that the different request messages that are a part of the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems can be dispatched to - CUUIDA universally unique identifier (UUID) - CInitializeWithNewTagTag to pass to constructor to indicate it should initialize with generated data - CWeakFileHandleFileReaderA file reader backed by a FileHandle - CWeakFileHandleFileWriterA file writer backed by a FileHandle - CWeakStdioFileReaderA file reader backed by a standard input/output FILE* - CWritableIoVecA version of iovec with a const iov_base field + CLocalAllocTraits + CMachMessageServerRuns a Mach message server to handle a Mach RPC request for MIG servers + CInterfaceA Mach RPC callback interface, called by Run() + CMachOImageAnnotationsReaderA reader for annotations stored in a Mach-O image mapped into another process + CMachOImageReaderA reader for Mach-O images mapped into another process + CMachOImageSegmentReaderA reader for LC_SEGMENT or LC_SEGMENT_64 load commands in Mach-O images mapped into another process + CMachOImageSymbolTableReaderA reader for symbol tables in Mach-O images mapped into another process + CSymbolInformationInformation about a symbol in a module’s symbol table + CMemoryMapRegionSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a region of the memory map present in the snapshot process + CMemorySnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a region of memory present in a snapshot process + CDelegateAn interface that MemorySnapshot clients must implement in order to receive memory snapshot data + CMinidumpContextAMD64An x86_64 (AMD64) CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file + CMinidumpContextAMD64WriterThe writer for a MinidumpContextAMD64 structure in a minidump file + CMinidumpContextWriterThe base class for writers of CPU context structures in minidump files + CMinidumpContextX86A 32-bit x86 CPU context (register state) carried in a minidump file + CMinidumpContextX86WriterThe writer for a MinidumpContextX86 structure in a minidump file + CMinidumpCrashpadInfoAdditional Crashpad-specific information carried within a minidump file + CMinidumpCrashpadInfoWriterThe writer for a MinidumpCrashpadInfo stream in a minidump file + CMinidumpExceptionWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM stream in a minidump file + CMinidumpFileWriterThe root-level object in a minidump file + CMinidumpHandleDataWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DATA_STREAM stream in a minidump and its contained MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DESCRIPTOR s + CMinidumpMemoryInfoListWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO objects + CMinidumpMemoryListWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR objects + CMinidumpMemoryWriterThe base class for writers of memory ranges pointed to by MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR objects in a minidump file + CMinidumpMiscInfoWriterThe writer for a stream in the MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO family in a minidump file + CMinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordPDB20WriterThe writer for a CodeViewRecordPDB20 object in a minidump file + CMinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordPDB70WriterThe writer for a CodeViewRecordPDB70 object in a minidump file + CMinidumpModuleCodeViewRecordWriterThe base class for writers of CodeView records referenced by MINIDUMP_MODULE::CvRecord in minidump files + CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoAdditional Crashpad-specific information about a module carried within a minidump file + CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoLinkA link between a MINIDUMP_MODULE structure and additional Crashpad-specific information about a module carried within a minidump file + CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoListAdditional Crashpad-specific information about modules carried within a minidump file + CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoListWriterThe writer for a MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList object in a minidump file, containing a list of MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo objects + CMinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoWriterThe writer for a MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo object in a minidump file + CMinidumpModuleListWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_MODULE objects + CMinidumpModuleMiscDebugRecordWriterThe writer for an IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC object in a minidump file + CMinidumpModuleWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_MODULE object in a minidump file + CMinidumpRVAListA list of RVA pointers + CMinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryA list of key-value pairs + CMinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntryA key-value pair + CMinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntryWriterThe writer for a MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntry object in a minidump file + CMinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryWriterThe writer for a MinidumpSimpleStringDictionary object in a minidump file, containing a list of MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntry objects + CMinidumpSystemInfoWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO stream in a minidump file + CMinidumpThreadListWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_THREAD objects + CMinidumpThreadWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD object in a minidump file + CMinidumpUTF8StringA variable-length UTF-8-encoded string carried within a minidump file + CModuleSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a code module (binary image) loaded into a snapshot process + CNotifyServerA server interface for the notify Mach subsystem + CDefaultInterfaceA concrete implementation of Interface that provides a default behavior for all notify routines + CInterfaceAn interface that the different request messages that are a part of the notify Mach subsystem can be dispatched to + CPEImageAnnotationsReaderA reader of annotations stored in a PE image mapped into another process + CPEImageReaderA reader for PE images mapped into another process + CPointerContainerAllows a standard container to “own” pointer elements stored in it + CProcessInfoGathers information about a process given its HANDLE. This consists primarily of information stored in the Process Environment Block + CHandle + CModuleContains information about a module loaded into a process + CProcessReaderAccesses information about another process, identified by a Mach task + CModuleContains information about a module loaded into a process + CThreadContains information about a thread that belongs to a task (process) + CProcessReaderWinAccesses information about another process, identified by a HANDLE + CThreadContains information about a thread that belongs to a process + CProcessSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a process + CProcessSnapshotMacA ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Mac OS X system + CProcessSnapshotMinidumpA ProcessSnapshot based on a minidump file + CProcessSnapshotWinA ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Windows system + CPruneConditionAn abstract base class for evaluating crash reports for deletion + CRegistrationRequestA client registration request + CRegistrationResponseA client registration response + CScopedForbidReturnAsserts that a scope must not be exited while unsafe + CScopedProcessSuspendManages the suspension of another process + CScopedTaskSuspendManages the suspension of another task + CSemaphoreAn anonymous in-process counting sempahore + CServerToClientMessageThe response sent back to the client via SendToCrashHandlerServer() + CSettingsAn interface for accessing and modifying the settings of a CrashReportDatabase + CData + CShutdownRequestA message only sent to the server by itself to trigger shutdown + CStringFileA file reader and writer backed by a virtual file, as opposed to a file on disk or other operating system file descriptor-based file + CStringHTTPBodyStreamAn implementation of HTTPBodyStream that turns a fixed string into a stream + CSystemSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a system, comprising an operating system, CPU architecture, and various other characteristics + CTaskMemoryAccesses the memory of another Mach task + CMappedMemoryA memory region mapped from another Mach task + CThreadBasic thread abstraction. Users should derive from this class and implement ThreadMain() + CThreadLogMessagesCaptures log messages produced on the current thread during an object’s lifetime + CThreadSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a thread (lightweight process) present in a snapshot process + CToolSupportCommon functions used by command line tools + CTSimpleStringDictionaryA map/dictionary collection implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations + CEntryA single entry in the map + CIteratorAn iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleStringDictionary + Cuint128_structStores a 128-bit quantity + CUniversalMachExcServerA server interface for the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems, unified to handle exceptions delivered to either subsystem, and simplified to have only a single interface method needing implementation + CInterfaceAn interface that the different request messages that are a part of the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems can be dispatched to + CUUIDA universally unique identifier (UUID) + CInitializeWithNewTagTag to pass to constructor to indicate it should initialize with generated data + CWeakFileHandleFileReaderA file reader backed by a FileHandle + CWeakFileHandleFileWriterA file writer backed by a FileHandle + CWeakStdioFileReaderA file reader backed by a standard input/output FILE* + CWritableIoVecA version of iovec with a const iov_base field  Nlogging  CNtstatusLogMessage  CCPU_INFORMATIONInformation about the CPU (or CPUs) that ran the process that the minidump file contains a snapshot of diff --git a/doc/generated/doxygen/classcrashpad_1_1CrashpadClient-members.html b/doc/generated/doxygen/classcrashpad_1_1CrashpadClient-members.html index 68032dec..3296c507 100644 --- a/doc/generated/doxygen/classcrashpad_1_1CrashpadClient-members.html +++ b/doc/generated/doxygen/classcrashpad_1_1CrashpadClient-members.html @@ -96,15 +96,16 @@ var searchBox = new SearchBox("searchBox", "search",false,'Search');

This is the complete list of members for crashpad::CrashpadClient, including all inherited members.

- - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + +
CrashpadClient() (defined in crashpad::CrashpadClient)crashpad::CrashpadClient
DumpWithoutCrash(const CONTEXT &context)crashpad::CrashpadClientstatic
GetHandlerIPCPipe() const crashpad::CrashpadClient
SetHandlerIPCPipe(const std::wstring &ipc_pipe)crashpad::CrashpadClient
SetHandlerMachPort(base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight exception_port)crashpad::CrashpadClient
SetHandlerMachService(const std::string &service_name)crashpad::CrashpadClient
StartHandler(const base::FilePath &handler, const base::FilePath &database, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, bool restartable)crashpad::CrashpadClient
~CrashpadClient() (defined in crashpad::CrashpadClient)crashpad::CrashpadClient
DumpAndCrash(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exception_pointers)crashpad::CrashpadClientstatic
DumpWithoutCrash(const CONTEXT &context)crashpad::CrashpadClientstatic
GetHandlerIPCPipe() const crashpad::CrashpadClient
SetHandlerIPCPipe(const std::wstring &ipc_pipe)crashpad::CrashpadClient
SetHandlerMachPort(base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight exception_port)crashpad::CrashpadClient
SetHandlerMachService(const std::string &service_name)crashpad::CrashpadClient
StartHandler(const base::FilePath &handler, const base::FilePath &database, const std::string &url, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &annotations, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, bool restartable)crashpad::CrashpadClient
~CrashpadClient() (defined in crashpad::CrashpadClient)crashpad::CrashpadClient