diff --git a/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html b/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html index c307f2b6..65602533 100644 --- a/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html +++ b/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ $(function() {  CMinidumpUTF8StringWriterWrites a variable-length UTF-8-encoded MinidumpUTF8String to a minidump file  CMinidumpWritableThe base class for all content that might be written to a minidump file  CMinidumpWriterUtilA collection of utility functions used by the MinidumpWritable family of classes - CModuleSnapshotMacA ModuleSnapshot of a code module (binary image) loaded into a running (or crashed) process on a Mac OS X system + CModuleSnapshotMacA ModuleSnapshot of a code module (binary image) loaded into a running (or crashed) process on a macOS system  CModuleSnapshotMinidumpA ModuleSnapshot based on a module in a minidump file  CModuleSnapshotWinA ModuleSnapshot of a code module (binary image) loaded into a running (or crashed) process on a Windows system  CPipeServiceContextContext information for the named pipe handler threads @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ $(function() {  CScopedFileHANDLECloseTraits  CScopedKernelHANDLECloseTraits  CScopedLockedFileHandleTraits - CSystemSnapshotMacA SystemSnapshot of the running system, when the system runs Mac OS X + CSystemSnapshotMacA SystemSnapshot of the running system, when the system runs macOS  CSystemSnapshotWinA SystemSnapshot of the running system, when the system runs Windows  CThreadSnapshotMacA ThreadSnapshot of a thread in a running (or crashed) process on a macOS system  CThreadSnapshotWinA ThreadSnapshot of a thread in a running (or crashed) process on a Windows system @@ -256,72 +256,76 @@ $(function() {  CMinidumpThreadWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD object in a minidump file  CMinidumpUnloadedModuleListWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE objects  CMinidumpUnloadedModuleWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE object in a minidump file - CMinidumpUserStreamWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM in a minidump file - CMinidumpUTF8StringA variable-length UTF-8-encoded string carried within a minidump file - CModuleSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a code module (binary image) loaded into a snapshot process - CNotifyServerA server interface for the notify Mach subsystem - CDefaultInterfaceA concrete implementation of Interface that provides a default behavior for all notify routines - CInterfaceAn interface that the different request messages that are a part of the notify Mach subsystem can be dispatched to - CPEImageAnnotationsReaderA reader of annotations stored in a PE image mapped into another process - CPEImageReaderA reader for PE images mapped into another process - CPEImageResourceReaderA reader for resources stored in PE images mapped into another process - CPointerVectorAllows a std::vector to “own” pointer elements stored in it - CProcessInfoGathers information about a process given its HANDLE. This consists primarily of information stored in the Process Environment Block - CHandle - CModuleContains information about a module loaded into a process - CProcessReaderAccesses information about another process, identified by a Mach task - CModuleContains information about a module loaded into a process - CThreadContains information about a thread that belongs to a task (process) - CProcessReaderWinAccesses information about another process, identified by a HANDLE - CThreadContains information about a thread that belongs to a process - CProcessSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a process - CProcessSnapshotMacA ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a macOS system - CProcessSnapshotMinidumpA ProcessSnapshot based on a minidump file - CProcessSnapshotWinA ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Windows system - CProcessSubrangeReaderA wrapper for ProcessReaderWin that only allows a specific subrange to be read from - CPruneConditionAn abstract base class for evaluating crash reports for deletion - CPruneCrashReportThreadA thread that periodically prunes crash reports from the database using the specified condition - CRegistrationRequestA client registration request - CRegistrationResponseA client registration response - CRTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE - CScopedForbidReturnAsserts that a scope must not be exited while unsafe - CScopedProcessSuspendManages the suspension of another process - CScopedTaskSuspendManages the suspension of another task - CSemaphoreAn anonymous in-process counting sempahore - CServerToClientMessageThe response sent back to the client via SendToCrashHandlerServer() - CSessionEndWatcherCreates a hidden window and waits for a WM_ENDSESSION message, indicating that the session is ending and the application should terminate - CSettingsAn interface for accessing and modifying the settings of a CrashReportDatabase - CData - CShutdownRequestA message only sent to the server by itself to trigger shutdown - CSignalsUtilities for handling POSIX signals - COldActionsA group of struct sigaction structures corresponding to a set of signals’ previous actions, addressable by signal number - CSnapshotMinidumpMemoryWriterThe base class for writers of memory ranges pointed to by MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR objects in a minidump file - CStringFileA file reader and writer backed by a virtual file, as opposed to a file on disk or other operating system file descriptor-based file - CStringHTTPBodyStreamAn implementation of HTTPBodyStream that turns a fixed string into a stream - CSystemSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a system, comprising an operating system, CPU architecture, and various other characteristics - CTaskMemoryAccesses the memory of another Mach task - CMappedMemoryA memory region mapped from another Mach task - CThreadBasic thread abstraction. Users should derive from this class and implement ThreadMain() - CThreadLogMessagesCaptures log messages produced on the current thread during an object’s lifetime - CThreadSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a thread (lightweight process) present in a snapshot process - CToolSupportCommon functions used by command line tools - CTSimpleAddressRangeBagA bag implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations - CEntryA single entry in the bag - CIteratorAn iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleAddressRangeBag - CTSimpleStringDictionaryA map/dictionary collection implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations - CEntryA single entry in the map - CIteratorAn iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleStringDictionary - Cuint128_structStores a 128-bit quantity - CUniversalMachExcServerA server interface for the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems, unified to handle exceptions delivered to either subsystem, and simplified to have only a single interface method needing implementation - CInterfaceAn interface that the different request messages that are a part of the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems can be dispatched to - CUnloadedModuleSnapshotInformation about an unloaded module that was previously loaded into a snapshot process - CUserMinidumpStreamInformation describing a custom user data stream in a minidump - CUUIDA universally unique identifier (UUID) - CWeakFileHandleFileReaderA file reader backed by a FileHandle - CWeakFileHandleFileWriterA file writer backed by a FileHandle - CWorkerThreadA WorkerThread executes its Delegate's DoWork method repeatedly on a dedicated thread at a set time interval - CDelegateAn interface for doing work on a WorkerThread - CWritableIoVecA version of iovec with a const iov_base field + CMinidumpUserExtensionStreamDataSourceDescribes a user extension data stream in a minidump + CMinidumpUserStreamWriterThe writer for a MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM in a minidump file + CBufferContentsWriter + CContentsWriter + CSnapshotContentsWriter + CMinidumpUTF8StringA variable-length UTF-8-encoded string carried within a minidump file + CModuleSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a code module (binary image) loaded into a snapshot process + CNotifyServerA server interface for the notify Mach subsystem + CDefaultInterfaceA concrete implementation of Interface that provides a default behavior for all notify routines + CInterfaceAn interface that the different request messages that are a part of the notify Mach subsystem can be dispatched to + CPEImageAnnotationsReaderA reader of annotations stored in a PE image mapped into another process + CPEImageReaderA reader for PE images mapped into another process + CPEImageResourceReaderA reader for resources stored in PE images mapped into another process + CPointerVectorAllows a std::vector to “own” pointer elements stored in it + CProcessInfoGathers information about a process given its HANDLE. This consists primarily of information stored in the Process Environment Block + CHandle + CModuleContains information about a module loaded into a process + CProcessReaderAccesses information about another process, identified by a Mach task + CModuleContains information about a module loaded into a process + CThreadContains information about a thread that belongs to a task (process) + CProcessReaderWinAccesses information about another process, identified by a HANDLE + CThreadContains information about a thread that belongs to a process + CProcessSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a process + CProcessSnapshotMacA ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a macOS system + CProcessSnapshotMinidumpA ProcessSnapshot based on a minidump file + CProcessSnapshotWinA ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Windows system + CProcessSubrangeReaderA wrapper for ProcessReaderWin that only allows a specific subrange to be read from + CPruneConditionAn abstract base class for evaluating crash reports for deletion + CPruneCrashReportThreadA thread that periodically prunes crash reports from the database using the specified condition + CRegistrationRequestA client registration request + CRegistrationResponseA client registration response + CRTL_UNLOAD_EVENT_TRACE + CScopedForbidReturnAsserts that a scope must not be exited while unsafe + CScopedProcessSuspendManages the suspension of another process + CScopedTaskSuspendManages the suspension of another task + CSemaphoreAn anonymous in-process counting sempahore + CServerToClientMessageThe response sent back to the client via SendToCrashHandlerServer() + CSessionEndWatcherCreates a hidden window and waits for a WM_ENDSESSION message, indicating that the session is ending and the application should terminate + CSettingsAn interface for accessing and modifying the settings of a CrashReportDatabase + CData + CShutdownRequestA message only sent to the server by itself to trigger shutdown + CSignalsUtilities for handling POSIX signals + COldActionsA group of struct sigaction structures corresponding to a set of signals’ previous actions, addressable by signal number + CSnapshotMinidumpMemoryWriterThe base class for writers of memory ranges pointed to by MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR objects in a minidump file + CStringFileA file reader and writer backed by a virtual file, as opposed to a file on disk or other operating system file descriptor-based file + CStringHTTPBodyStreamAn implementation of HTTPBodyStream that turns a fixed string into a stream + CSystemSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a system, comprising an operating system, CPU architecture, and various other characteristics + CTaskMemoryAccesses the memory of another Mach task + CMappedMemoryA memory region mapped from another Mach task + CThreadBasic thread abstraction. Users should derive from this class and implement ThreadMain() + CThreadLogMessagesCaptures log messages produced on the current thread during an object’s lifetime + CThreadSnapshotAn abstract interface to a snapshot representing a thread (lightweight process) present in a snapshot process + CToolSupportCommon functions used by command line tools + CTSimpleAddressRangeBagA bag implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations + CEntryA single entry in the bag + CIteratorAn iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleAddressRangeBag + CTSimpleStringDictionaryA map/dictionary collection implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations + CEntryA single entry in the map + CIteratorAn iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleStringDictionary + Cuint128_structStores a 128-bit quantity + CUniversalMachExcServerA server interface for the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems, unified to handle exceptions delivered to either subsystem, and simplified to have only a single interface method needing implementation + CInterfaceAn interface that the different request messages that are a part of the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems can be dispatched to + CUnloadedModuleSnapshotInformation about an unloaded module that was previously loaded into a snapshot process + CUserMinidumpStreamInformation describing a custom user data stream in a minidump + CUUIDA universally unique identifier (UUID) + CWeakFileHandleFileReaderA file reader backed by a FileHandle + CWeakFileHandleFileWriterA file writer backed by a FileHandle + CWorkerThreadA WorkerThread executes its Delegate's DoWork method repeatedly on a dedicated thread at a set time interval + CDelegateAn interface for doing work on a WorkerThread + CWritableIoVecA version of iovec with a const iov_base field  Nlogging  CNtstatusLogMessage  CCPU_INFORMATIONInformation about the CPU (or CPUs) that ran the process that the minidump file contains a snapshot of diff --git a/doc/generated/doxygen/classcrashpad_1_1MemorySnapshot_1_1Delegate.html b/doc/generated/doxygen/classcrashpad_1_1MemorySnapshot_1_1Delegate.html index e377cf80..66df77c1 100644 --- a/doc/generated/doxygen/classcrashpad_1_1MemorySnapshot_1_1Delegate.html +++ b/doc/generated/doxygen/classcrashpad_1_1MemorySnapshot_1_1Delegate.html @@ -81,8 +81,9 @@ Inheritance diagram for crashpad::MemorySnapshot::Delegate:
-crashpad::SnapshotMinidumpMemoryWriter -crashpad::test::TestMinidumpMemoryWriter +crashpad::MinidumpUserStreamWriter::SnapshotContentsWriter +crashpad::SnapshotMinidumpMemoryWriter +crashpad::test::TestMinidumpMemoryWriter
@@ -140,6 +141,8 @@ Public Member Functions
true on success, false on failure. MemoryDelegate::Read() will use this as its own return value.

Implemented in crashpad::MinidumpUserStreamWriter::SnapshotContentsWriter.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + +
AddStream(std::unique_ptr< internal::MinidumpStreamWriter > stream)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
Children() overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
Freeze() overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
InitializeFromSnapshot(const ProcessSnapshot *process_snapshot)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
kPhaseEarly enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kPhaseLate enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kStateFrozen enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kStateMutable enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kStateWritable enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kStateWritten enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
MinidumpFileWriter() (defined in crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
MinidumpWritable() (defined in crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritable)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
Phase enum namecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
RegisterLocationDescriptor(MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR *location_descriptor)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritable
RegisterRVA(RVA *rva)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritable
SetTimestamp(time_t timestamp)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
SizeOfObject() overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
State enum namecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
AddUserExtensionStream(std::unique_ptr< MinidumpUserExtensionStreamDataSource > user_extension_stream_data)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
Children() overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
Freeze() overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
InitializeFromSnapshot(const ProcessSnapshot *process_snapshot)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
kPhaseEarly enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kPhaseLate enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kStateFrozen enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kStateMutable enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kStateWritable enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
kStateWritten enum valuecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
MinidumpFileWriter() (defined in crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
MinidumpWritable() (defined in crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritable)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
Phase enum namecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
RegisterLocationDescriptor(MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR *location_descriptor)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritable
RegisterRVA(RVA *rva)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritable
SetTimestamp(time_t timestamp)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
SizeOfObject() overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
state() constcrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableinlineprotected
WillWriteAtOffset(Phase phase, FileOffset *offset, std::vector< MinidumpWritable *> *write_sequence)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
WillWriteAtOffsetImpl(FileOffset offset) overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
WriteEverything(FileWriterInterface *file_writer) overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWritervirtual
WriteObject(FileWriterInterface *file_writer) overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
WritePaddingAndObject(FileWriterInterface *file_writer)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
~MinidumpFileWriter() override (defined in crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
~MinidumpWritable() (defined in crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritable)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritablevirtual
State enum namecrashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
WillWriteAtOffset(Phase phase, FileOffset *offset, std::vector< MinidumpWritable *> *write_sequence)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
WillWriteAtOffsetImpl(FileOffset offset) overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
WriteEverything(FileWriterInterface *file_writer) overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWritervirtual
WriteObject(FileWriterInterface *file_writer) overridecrashpad::MinidumpFileWriterprotectedvirtual
WritePaddingAndObject(FileWriterInterface *file_writer)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritableprotected
~MinidumpFileWriter() override (defined in crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter)crashpad::MinidumpFileWriter
~MinidumpWritable() (defined in crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritable)crashpad::internal::MinidumpWritablevirtual