diff --git a/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html b/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html index 4dce17e5..554e169c 100644 --- a/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html +++ b/doc/generated/doxygen/annotated.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- +►Ncrashpad | The main namespace |
►Ninternal | The internal namespace, not for public use |
►CCaptureMemory | |
▶Ncrashpad | The main namespace |
▶Ninternal | The internal namespace, not for public use |
▶CCaptureMemory | |
CDelegate | An interface to a platform-specific process reader |
CCaptureMemoryDelegateWin | |
CCheckedAddressRangeGeneric | Ensures that a range, composed of a base and a size, does not overflow the pointer type of the process it describes a range in |
CUserDataMinidumpStreamListEntry | A linked list of blocks representing custom streams in the minidump, with addresses (and size) stored as uint64_t to simplify reading from the handler process |
CWorkerThreadImpl | |
CWriteAllInternal | The internal implementation of WriteFile() and its wrappers |
►Nprocess_types | |
►Ninternal | |
▶Nprocess_types | |
▶Ninternal | |
CTraits32 | |
CTraits64 | |
CAnnotation | |
CVM_COUNTERS< internal::Traits32 > | |
CVM_COUNTERS< internal::Traits64 > | |
►Ntest | The testing namespace, for use in test code only |
►Ninternal | |
▶Ntest | The testing namespace, for use in test code only |
▶Ninternal | |
CAppendMultiprocessTest | Helper class used by CRASHPAD_CHILD_TEST_MAIN() to insert a child function into the global mapping |
CMachMultiprocessInfo | |
CMultiprocessInfo | |
CBufferExtensionStreamDataSource | A user extension data source that wraps a buffer |
CChildLauncher | Creates a child process for testing. Uses gtest ASSERT_* to indicate failure. The child's output is passed through a pipe and is available via stdout_read_handle(), and the child's input is attached to a second pipe available via stdin_write_handle() |
CDisabledTestGtestEnvironment | Provides support for dynamically disabled gtest tests |
►CExceptionSwallower | Swallows EXC_CRASH and EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY exceptions in test child processes |
▶CExceptionSwallower | Swallows EXC_CRASH and EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY exceptions in test child processes |
CExceptionSwallowerThread | |
CFakePtraceConnection | Stands-in where real PtraceConnections aren't available |
CMachMultiprocess | Manages a Mach-aware multiprocess test |
CTestSystemSnapshot | A test SystemSnapshot that can carry arbitrary data for testing purposes |
CTestThreadSnapshot | A test ThreadSnapshot that can carry arbitrary data for testing purposes |
CTestUInt32MinidumpWritable | An internal::MinidumpWritable that carries a uint32_t for testing |
►CWinChildProcess | Facilitates the launching of child processes from unit tests |
▶CWinChildProcess | Facilitates the launching of child processes from unit tests |
CHandles | Groups handles used to communicate with, observe, and manage a child process |
CWinMultiprocess | Manages a multiprocess test on Windows |
CWinMultiprocessWithTempDir | Manages a multiprocess test on Windows with a parent-created temporary directory |
CAgePruneCondition | A PruneCondition that deletes reports older than the specified number days |
►CAlignedAllocator | A standard allocator that aligns its allocations as requested, suitable for use as an allocator in standard containers |
▶CAlignedAllocator | A standard allocator that aligns its allocations as requested, suitable for use as an allocator in standard containers |
Crebind | |
CAnnotation | Base class for an annotation, which records a name-value pair of arbitrary data when set |
►CAnnotationList | A list that contains all the currently set annotations |
▶CAnnotationList | A list that contains all the currently set annotations |
CIterator | An InputIterator for the AnnotationList |
CAnnotationSnapshot | |
CAuxiliaryVector | Read the auxiliary vector for a target process |
CBinaryPruneCondition | A PruneCondition that conjoins two other PruneConditions |
CCheckedRange | Ensures that a range, composed of a base and size, does not overflow its data type |
CChildPortHandshake | Implements a handshake protocol that allows processes to exchange port rights |
►CChildPortServer | A server interface for the child_port Mach subsystem |
▶CChildPortServer | A server interface for the child_port Mach subsystem |
CInterface | An interface that the request message that is a part of the child_port Mach subsystem can be dispatched to |
CClientInformation | Information about a client registered with an ExceptionHandlerServer |
CClientToServerMessage | The message passed from client to server |
CCPUContextARM64 | A context structure carrying ARM64 CPU state |
CCPUContextMIPS | A context structure carrying MIPS CPU state |
CCPUContextMIPS64 | A context structure carrying MIPS64 CPU state |
►CCPUContextX86 | A context structure carrying 32-bit x86 CPU state |
▶CCPUContextX86 | A context structure carrying 32-bit x86 CPU state |
CFsave | |
CFxsave | |
CX87OrMMXRegister | |
►CCPUContextX86_64 | A context structure carrying x86_64 CPU state |
▶CCPUContextX86_64 | A context structure carrying x86_64 CPU state |
CFxsave | |
CCrashpadClient | The primary interface for an application to have Crashpad monitor it for crashes |
CCrashpadInfo | A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad crash handler |
CCrashpadInfoClientOptions | Options represented in a client’s CrashpadInfo structure |
►CCrashpadInfoReader | Reads CrashpadInfo structs from another process via a ProcessMemoryRange |
▶CCrashpadInfoReader | Reads CrashpadInfo structs from another process via a ProcessMemoryRange |
CInfoContainer | |
CInfoContainerSpecific | |
►CCrashReportDatabase | An interface for managing a collection of crash report files and metadata associated with the crash reports |
▶CCrashReportDatabase | An interface for managing a collection of crash report files and metadata associated with the crash reports |
CNewReport | A crash report that is in the process of being written |
CReport | A crash report record |
CUploadReport | A crash report that is in the process of being uploaded |
CCrashReportDatabaseMac | A CrashReportDatabase that uses HFS+ extended attributes to store report metadata |
CCrashReportDatabaseWin | |
CCrashReportExceptionHandler | An exception handler that writes crash reports for exception messages to a CrashReportDatabase |
►CCrashReportUploadThread | A thread that processes pending crash reports in a CrashReportDatabase by uploading them or marking them as completed without upload, as desired |
▶CCrashReportUploadThread | A thread that processes pending crash reports in a CrashReportDatabase by uploading them or marking them as completed without upload, as desired |
COptions | Options to be passed to the CrashReportUploadThread constructor |
CDatabaseSizePruneCondition | A PruneCondition that deletes older reports to keep the total Crashpad database size under the specified limit |
►CDebugRendezvous | Reads an r_debug struct defined in <link.h> via ProcessMemoryRange |
▶CDebugRendezvous | Reads an r_debug struct defined in <link.h> via ProcessMemoryRange |
CLinkEntry | An entry in the dynamic linker's list of loaded objects |
CDelimitedFileReader | Reads a file one field or line at a time |
CDirectoryReader | Iterates over the file and directory names in a directory |
CDirectPtraceConnection | Manages a direct ptrace connection to a process |
CElfDynamicArrayReader | A reader for ELF dynamic arrays mapped into another process |
►CElfImageReader | A reader for ELF images mapped into another process |
▶CElfImageReader | A reader for ELF images mapped into another process |
CNoteReader | This class enables reading note segments from an ELF image |
CProgramHeaderTable | |
CProgramHeaderTableSpecific | |
►CElfSymbolTableReader | A reader for symbol tables in ELF images mapped into another process |
▶CElfSymbolTableReader | A reader for symbol tables in ELF images mapped into another process |
CSymbolInformation | Information about a symbol in a module's symbol table |
CExceptionHandlerClient | A client for an ExceptionHandlerServer |
►CExceptionHandlerServer | Runs the main exception-handling server in Crashpad's handler process |
▶CExceptionHandlerServer | Runs the main exception-handling server in Crashpad's handler process |
CDelegate | |
CEvent | |
CExceptionInformation | Structure read out of the client process by the crash handler when an exception occurs |
►CExceptionPorts | A better interface to *_get_exception_ports() and *_set_exception_ports() |
▶CExceptionPorts | A better interface to *_get_exception_ports() and *_set_exception_ports() |
CExceptionHandler | Information about a registered exception handler |
CExceptionHandlerVector | Wraps std::vector<ExceptionHandler> , providing proper cleanup of the send rights contained in each element’s ExceptionHandler::port |
CExceptionSnapshot | An abstract interface to a snapshot representing an exception that a snapshot process sustained and triggered the snapshot being taken |
CFileSeekerInterface | An interface to seek in files and other file-like objects with semantics matching the underlying platform (POSIX or Windows) |
CFileWriter | A file writer implementation that wraps traditional system file operations on files accessed through the filesystem |
CFileWriterInterface | An interface to write to files and other file-like objects with semantics matching the underlying platform (POSIX or Windows) |
►CFloatContext | The floating point registers used for an architecture family |
▶CFloatContext | The floating point registers used for an architecture family |
Cf32_t | The floating point registers used by the 32-bit variant of the architecture |
Cf64_t | The floating point registers used by the 64-bit variant of the architecture |
CGzipHTTPBodyStream | An implementation of HTTPBodyStream that gzip -compresses another HTTPBodyStream |
CInitialClientData | A container for the data associated with the --initial-client-data method for initializing the handler process on Windows |
CInitializationState | Tracks whether data are initialized |
CInitializationStateDcheck | Tracks whether data are initialized, triggering a DCHECK assertion on an invalid data access |
►CMachMessageServer | Runs a Mach message server to handle a Mach RPC request for MIG servers |
▶CMachMessageServer | Runs a Mach message server to handle a Mach RPC request for MIG servers |
CInterface | A Mach RPC callback interface, called by Run() |
CMachOImageAnnotationsReader | A reader for annotations stored in a Mach-O image mapped into another process |
CMachOImageReader | A reader for Mach-O images mapped into another process |
CMachOImageSegmentReader | A reader for LC_SEGMENT or LC_SEGMENT_64 load commands in Mach-O images mapped into another process |
►CMachOImageSymbolTableReader | A reader for symbol tables in Mach-O images mapped into another process |
▶CMachOImageSymbolTableReader | A reader for symbol tables in Mach-O images mapped into another process |
CSymbolInformation | Information about a symbol in a module’s symbol table |
►CMemoryMap | Accesses information about mapped memory in another process |
▶CMemoryMap | Accesses information about mapped memory in another process |
CMapping | Information about a mapped region of memory |
CMemoryMapFuchsia | A list of mappings in the address space of a Fuchsia process |
CMemoryMapRegionSnapshot | An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a region of the memory map present in the snapshot process |
►CMemorySnapshot | An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a region of memory present in a snapshot process |
▶CMemorySnapshot | An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a region of memory present in a snapshot process |
CDelegate | An interface that MemorySnapshot clients must implement in order to receive memory snapshot data |
CMetrics | Container class to hold shared UMA metrics integration points |
CMinidumpAnnotation | A typed annotation object |
CMinidumpThreadWriter | The writer for a MINIDUMP_THREAD object in a minidump file |
CMinidumpUnloadedModuleListWriter | The writer for a MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE_LIST stream in a minidump file, containing a list of MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE objects |
CMinidumpUnloadedModuleWriter | The writer for a MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE object in a minidump file |
►CMinidumpUserExtensionStreamDataSource | Describes a user extension data stream in a minidump |
▶CMinidumpUserExtensionStreamDataSource | Describes a user extension data stream in a minidump |
CDelegate | An interface implemented by readers of MinidumpUserExtensionStreamDataSource |
►CMinidumpUserStreamWriter | The writer for a MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM in a minidump file |
▶CMinidumpUserStreamWriter | The writer for a MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM in a minidump file |
CContentsWriter | |
CExtensionStreamContentsWriter | |
CSnapshotContentsWriter | |
CMinidumpUTF8String | A variable-length UTF-8-encoded string carried within a minidump file |
CModuleSnapshot | An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a code module (binary image) loaded into a snapshot process |
►CNotifyServer | A server interface for the notify Mach subsystem |
▶CNotifyServer | A server interface for the notify Mach subsystem |
CDefaultInterface | A concrete implementation of Interface that provides a default behavior for all notify routines |
CInterface | An interface that the different request messages that are a part of the notify Mach subsystem can be dispatched to |
CPaths | Functions to obtain paths |
CPEImageAnnotationsReader | A reader of annotations stored in a PE image mapped into another process |
CPEImageReader | A reader for PE images mapped into another process |
CPEImageResourceReader | A reader for resources stored in PE images mapped into another process |
►CProcessInfo | Gathers information about a process given its HANDLE . This consists primarily of information stored in the Process Environment Block |
▶CProcessInfo | Gathers information about a process given its HANDLE . This consists primarily of information stored in the Process Environment Block |
CHandle | |
CModule | Contains information about a module loaded into a process |
CProcessMemory | Abstract base class for accessing the memory of another process |
CProcessMemoryFuchsia | Accesses the memory of another Fuchsia process |
CProcessMemoryLinux | Accesses the memory of another Linux process |
CProcessMemoryRange | Provides range protected access to the memory of another process |
►CProcessReaderFuchsia | Accesses information about another process, identified by a Fuchsia process |
▶CProcessReaderFuchsia | Accesses information about another process, identified by a Fuchsia process |
CModule | Contains information about a module loaded into a process |
CThread | Contains information about a thread that belongs to a process |
►CProcessReaderLinux | Accesses information about another process, identified by a process ID |
▶CProcessReaderLinux | Accesses information about another process, identified by a process ID |
CModule | Contains information about a module loaded into a process |
CThread | Contains information about a thread that belongs to a process |
►CProcessReaderMac | Accesses information about another process, identified by a Mach task |
▶CProcessReaderMac | Accesses information about another process, identified by a Mach task |
CModule | Contains information about a module loaded into a process |
CThread | Contains information about a thread that belongs to a task (process) |
►CProcessReaderWin | Accesses information about another process, identified by a HANDLE |
▶CProcessReaderWin | Accesses information about another process, identified by a HANDLE |
CThread | Contains information about a thread that belongs to a process |
CProcessSnapshot | An abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a process |
CProcessSnapshotFuchsia | A ProcessSnapshot of a running (or crashed) process running on a Fuchsia system. This class is not yet implemented |
CProcStatReader | Reads the /proc/[pid]/stat file for a thread |
CPruneCondition | An abstract base class for evaluating crash reports for deletion |
CPruneCrashReportThread | A thread that periodically prunes crash reports from the database using the specified condition |
►CPtraceBroker | Implements a PtraceConnection over a socket |
▶CPtraceBroker | Implements a PtraceConnection over a socket |
CGetThreadInfoResponse | The response sent for a Request with type kTypeGetThreadInfo |
CRequest | A request sent to a PtraceBroker from a PtraceClient |
CPtraceClient | Implements a PtraceConnection over a socket |
CSemaphore | An anonymous in-process counting sempahore |
CServerToClientMessage | The message passed from server to client |
CSessionEndWatcher | Creates a hidden window and waits for a WM_ENDSESSION message, indicating that the session is ending and the application should terminate |
►CSettings | An interface for accessing and modifying the settings of a CrashReportDatabase |
▶CSettings | An interface for accessing and modifying the settings of a CrashReportDatabase |
CData | |
CShutdownRequest | A message only sent to the server by itself to trigger shutdown |
►CSignals | Utilities for handling POSIX signals |
▶CSignals | Utilities for handling POSIX signals |
COldActions | A group of struct sigaction structures corresponding to a set of signals’ previous actions, addressable by signal number |
CSnapshotMinidumpMemoryWriter | The base class for writers of memory ranges pointed to by MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR objects in a minidump file |
CStoppable | An interface for operations that may be Started and Stopped |
CStringFile | A file reader and writer backed by a virtual file, as opposed to a file on disk or other operating system file descriptor-based file |
CStringHTTPBodyStream | An implementation of HTTPBodyStream that turns a fixed string into a stream |
CSystemSnapshot | An abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a system, comprising an operating system, CPU architecture, and various other characteristics |
►CTaskMemory | Accesses the memory of another Mach task |
▶CTaskMemory | Accesses the memory of another Mach task |
CMappedMemory | A memory region mapped from another Mach task |
CTestCrashpadInfo | |
CThread | Basic thread abstraction. Users should derive from this class and implement ThreadMain() |
►CThreadContext | The set of general purpose registers for an architecture family |
▶CThreadContext | The set of general purpose registers for an architecture family |
Ct32_t | The general purpose registers used by the 32-bit variant of the architecture |
Ct64_t | The general purpose registers used by the 64-bit variant of the architecture |
CThreadInfo | A collection of ptrace -able information about a thread |
CToolSupport | Common functions used by command line tools |
CTraits32 | |
CTraits64 | |
►CTSimpleAddressRangeBag | A bag implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations |
▶CTSimpleAddressRangeBag | A bag implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations |
CEntry | A single entry in the bag |
CIterator | An iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleAddressRangeBag |
►CTSimpleStringDictionary | A map/dictionary collection implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations |
▶CTSimpleStringDictionary | A map/dictionary collection implementation using a fixed amount of storage, so that it does not perform any dynamic allocations for its operations |
CEntry | A single entry in the map |
CIterator | An iterator to traverse all of the active entries in a TSimpleStringDictionary |
Cuint128_struct | Stores a 128-bit quantity |
►CUniversalMachExcServer | A server interface for the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems, unified to handle exceptions delivered to either subsystem, and simplified to have only a single interface method needing implementation |
▶CUniversalMachExcServer | A server interface for the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems, unified to handle exceptions delivered to either subsystem, and simplified to have only a single interface method needing implementation |
CInterface | An interface that the different request messages that are a part of the exc and mach_exc Mach subsystems can be dispatched to |
CUnloadedModuleSnapshot | Information about an unloaded module that was previously loaded into a snapshot process |
CUserMinidumpStream | Information describing a custom user data stream in a minidump |
CUUID | A universally unique identifier (UUID) |
CWeakFileHandleFileReader | A file reader backed by a FileHandle |
CWeakFileHandleFileWriter | A file writer backed by a FileHandle |
►CWorkerThread | A WorkerThread executes its Delegate's DoWork method repeatedly on a dedicated thread at a set time interval |
▶CWorkerThread | A WorkerThread executes its Delegate's DoWork method repeatedly on a dedicated thread at a set time interval |
CDelegate | An interface for doing work on a WorkerThread |
CWritableIoVec | A version of iovec with a const iov_base field |
►Nlogging | |
▶Nlogging | |
CNtstatusLogMessage | |
CCPU_INFORMATION | Information about the CPU (or CPUs) that ran the process that the minidump file contains a snapshot of |
CElf32_Nhdr |