<areahref="classcrashpad_1_1ProcessMemoryLinux.html"title="Accesses the memory of another Linux process. "alt="crashpad::ProcessMemoryLinux"shape="rect"coords="0,56,193,80"/>
<trclass="memdesc:aad5bf0d6593dec03de05593b38b1b29d"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Copies memory from the target process into a caller-provided buffer in the current process. <ahref="#aad5bf0d6593dec03de05593b38b1b29d">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:a9f31b6f891e7a363b4d1c30d9d7fef2b"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Reads a <code>NUL</code>-terminated C string from the target process into a string in the current process. <ahref="#a9f31b6f891e7a363b4d1c30d9d7fef2b">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:ab177b7b9d0f77626754792df831d26f9"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Reads a <code>NUL</code>-terminated C string from the target process into a string in the current process. <ahref="#ab177b7b9d0f77626754792df831d26f9">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<p>Copies memory from the target process into a caller-provided buffer in the current process. </p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">address</td><td>The address, in the target process' address space, of the memory region to copy. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">size</td><td>The size, in bytes, of the memory region to copy. <em>buffer</em> must be at least this size. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[out]</td><tdclass="paramname">buffer</td><td>The buffer into which the contents of the other process' memory will be copied.</td></tr>
<dlclass="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd><code>true</code> on success, with <em>buffer</em> filled appropriately. <code>false</code> on failure, with a message logged. </dd></dl>
<p>Reads a <code>NUL</code>-terminated C string from the target process into a string in the current process. </p>
<p>The length of the string need not be known ahead of time. This method will read contiguous memory until a <code>NUL</code> terminator is found.</p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">address</td><td>The address, in the target process’s address space, of the string to copy. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[out]</td><tdclass="paramname">string</td><td>The string read from the other process.</td></tr>
<dlclass="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd><code>true</code> on success, with <em>string</em> set appropriately. <code>false</code> on failure, with a message logged. Failures can occur, for example, when encountering unmapped or unreadable pages. </dd></dl>
<p>Reads a <code>NUL</code>-terminated C string from the target process into a string in the current process. </p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">address</td><td>The address, in the target process’s address space, of the string to copy. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">size</td><td>The maximum number of bytes to read. The string is required to be <code>NUL</code>-terminated within this many bytes. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[out]</td><tdclass="paramname">string</td><td>The string read from the other process.</td></tr>
<dlclass="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd><code>true</code> on success, with <em>string</em> set appropriately. <code>false</code> on failure, with a message logged. Failures can occur, for example, when a <code>NUL</code> terminator is not found within <em>size</em> bytes, or when encountering unmapped or unreadable pages. </dd></dl>