<p>Options represented in a client’s <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure.
<trclass="memdesc:a51b98eb48cf16507c075ba96611e30c2"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Converts <code>uint8_t</code> value to a TriState value. <ahref="#a51b98eb48cf16507c075ba96611e30c2">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<divclass="textblock"><p>Options represented in a client’s <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure. </p>
<p>The <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure is not suitable to expose client options in a generic way at the snapshot level. This structure duplicates option-related fields from the client structure for general use within the snapshot layer and by users of this layer.</p>
<p>For objects of this type corresponding to a module, option values are taken from the module’s <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure directly. If the module has no such such structure, option values appear unset.</p>
<p>For objects of this type corresponding to an entire process, option values are taken from the <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structures of modules within the process. The first module found with a set value (enabled or disabled) will provide an option value for the process. Different modules may provide values for different options. If no module in the process sets a value for an option, the option will appear unset for the process. If no module in the process has a <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure, all option values will appear unset. </p>
</div><h2class="groupheader">Member Function Documentation</h2>
<p>Converts <code>uint8_t</code> value to a TriState value. </p>
<p>The process_types layer exposes TriState as a <code>uint8_t</code> rather than an enum type. This function converts these values into the equivalent enum values used in the snapshot layer.</p>
<dlclass="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>The TriState equivalent of <em>crashpad_info_tri_state</em>, if it is a valid TriState value. Otherwise, logs a warning and returns <aclass="el"href="namespacecrashpad.html#a3b405c19a5787fabcfba96001d49f292ac69d34d47bfd5244204004878441d53f"title="The value has not explicitly been set. ">TriState::kUnset</a>. </dd></dl>
<h2class="groupheader">Member Data Documentation</h2>
<dlclass="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html#a2e0a2a0a8a21007a3c7da69795c4eed8"title="Enables or disables Crashpad capturing indirectly referenced memory in the minidump. ">CrashpadInfo::set_gather_indirectly_referenced_memory()</a></dd></dl>
<dlclass="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html#a2e0a2a0a8a21007a3c7da69795c4eed8"title="Enables or disables Crashpad capturing indirectly referenced memory in the minidump. ">CrashpadInfo::set_gather_indirectly_referenced_memory()</a></dd></dl>
<dlclass="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html#af055c05be2e7025d0931585bd6a9b755"title="Enables or disables Crashpad forwarding of exceptions to the system’s crash reporter. ">CrashpadInfo::set_system_crash_reporter_forwarding()</a></dd></dl>
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