<trclass="memdesc:af3564710ea74bf027653dc855018dd9f"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Sets the bag of extra memory ranges to be included in the snapshot. <ahref="#af3564710ea74bf027653dc855018dd9f">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:af055c05be2e7025d0931585bd6a9b755"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Enables or disables Crashpad forwarding of exceptions to the system’s crash reporter. <ahref="#af055c05be2e7025d0931585bd6a9b755">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:a2e0a2a0a8a21007a3c7da69795c4eed8"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Enables or disables Crashpad capturing indirectly referenced memory in the minidump. <ahref="#a2e0a2a0a8a21007a3c7da69795c4eed8">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:a5f6213582b3b4cc22ca46f058343db8e"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Adds a custom stream to the minidump. <ahref="#a5f6213582b3b4cc22ca46f058343db8e">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:a4f8a74e178343694b264f27be26f9898"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Returns the global <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure. <br/></td></tr>
<divclass="textblock"><p>A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad crash handler. </p>
<p>It is possible for one <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure to appear in each loaded code module in a process, but from the perspective of the user of the client interface, there is only one global <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure, located in the module that contains the client interface code. </p>
</div><h2class="groupheader">Member Function Documentation</h2>
<p>The memory block referenced by <em>data</em> and <em>size</em> will added to the minidump as separate stream with type . The memory referred to by <em>data</em> and <em>size</em> is owned by the caller and must remain valid while it is in effect for the <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> object.</p>
<p>Note that streams will appear in the minidump in the reverse order to which they are added.</p>
<p>TODO(scottmg) This is currently only supported on Windows.</p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">stream_type</td><td>The stream type identifier to use. This should be normally be larger than <code>MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE::LastReservedStream</code> which is <code>0xffff</code>. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">data</td><td>The base pointer of the stream data. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">size</td><td>The size of the stream data. </td></tr>
<p>Enables or disables Crashpad handler processing. </p>
<p>When handling an exception, the Crashpad handler will scan all modules in a process. The first one that has a <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure populated with a value other than <aclass="el"href="namespacecrashpad.html#a3b405c19a5787fabcfba96001d49f292ac69d34d47bfd5244204004878441d53f"title="The value has not explicitly been set. ">kUnset</a> for this field will dictate whether the handler is functional or not. If all modules with a <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure specify <aclass="el"href="namespacecrashpad.html#a3b405c19a5787fabcfba96001d49f292ac69d34d47bfd5244204004878441d53f"title="The value has not explicitly been set. ">kUnset</a>, the handler will be enabled. If disabled, the Crashpad handler will still run and receive exceptions, but will not take any action on an exception on its own behalf, except for the action necessary to determine that it has been disabled.</p>
<p>The Crashpad handler should not normally be disabled. More commonly, it is appropriate to disable crash report upload by calling <aclass="el"href="classcrashpad_1_1Settings.html#a1af15625bc137e0a67f6f9fcf016382b"title="Sets the user’s preference for submitting crash reports to a collection server. ">Settings::SetUploadsEnabled()</a>. </p>
<p>Sets the bag of extra memory ranges to be included in the snapshot. </p>
<p>Extra memory ranges may exist in <em>address_range_bag</em> at the time that this method is called, or they may be added, removed, or modified in <em>address_range_bag</em> after this method is called.</p>
<p>TODO(scottmg) This is currently only supported on Windows.</p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">address_range_bag</td><td>A bag of address ranges. The <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> object does not take ownership of the SimpleAddressRangeBag object. It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that this pointer remains valid while it is in effect for a <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> object. </td></tr>
<p>Enables or disables Crashpad capturing indirectly referenced memory in the minidump. </p>
<p>When handling an exception, the Crashpad handler will scan all modules in a process. The first one that has a <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure populated with a value other than <aclass="el"href="namespacecrashpad.html#a3b405c19a5787fabcfba96001d49f292ac69d34d47bfd5244204004878441d53f"title="The value has not explicitly been set. ">kUnset</a> for this field will dictate whether the extra memory is captured.</p>
<p>This causes Crashpad to include pages of data referenced by locals or other stack memory. Turning this on can increase the size of the minidump significantly.</p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">gather_indirectly_referenced_memory</td><td>Whether extra memory should be gathered. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">limit</td><td>The amount of memory in bytes after which no more indirectly gathered memory should be captured. This value is only used when <em>gather_indirectly_referenced_memory</em> is <aclass="el"href="namespacecrashpad.html#a3b405c19a5787fabcfba96001d49f292ade1ec1870756a80dffbdc4cda53153e0"title="The value has explicitly been set to on, or a behavior has explicitly been enabled. ">TriState::kEnabled</a>. </td></tr>
<p>Simple annotations set on a <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure are interpreted by Crashpad as module-level annotations.</p>
<p>Annotations may exist in <em>simple_annotations</em> at the time that this method is called, or they may be added, removed, or modified in <em>simple_annotations</em> after this method is called.</p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">simple_annotations</td><td>A dictionary that maps string keys to string values. The <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> object does not take ownership of the SimpleStringDictionary object. It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that this pointer remains valid while it is in effect for a <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> object. </td></tr>
<p>Enables or disables Crashpad forwarding of exceptions to the system’s crash reporter. </p>
<p>When handling an exception, the Crashpad handler will scan all modules in a process. The first one that has a <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure populated with a value other than <aclass="el"href="namespacecrashpad.html#a3b405c19a5787fabcfba96001d49f292ac69d34d47bfd5244204004878441d53f"title="The value has not explicitly been set. ">kUnset</a> for this field will dictate whether the exception is forwarded to the system’s crash reporter. If all modules with a <aclass="el"href="structcrashpad_1_1CrashpadInfo.html"title="A structure that can be used by a Crashpad-enabled program to provide information to the Crashpad cra...">CrashpadInfo</a> structure specify <aclass="el"href="namespacecrashpad.html#a3b405c19a5787fabcfba96001d49f292ac69d34d47bfd5244204004878441d53f"title="The value has not explicitly been set. ">kUnset</a>, forwarding will be enabled. Unless disabled, forwarding may still occur if the Crashpad handler is disabled by SetCrashpadHandlerState(). Even when forwarding is enabled, the Crashpad handler may choose not to forward all exceptions to the system’s crash reporter in cases where it has reason to believe that the system’s crash reporter would not normally have handled the exception in Crashpad’s absence. </p>
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