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* Copyright ( c ) 2015 Apple Inc . All rights reserved .
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2015-03-11 16:59:59 -04:00
* This file contains Original Code and / or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 ( the ' License ' ) . You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License . Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
* file .
2019-02-26 16:59:46 -05:00
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an ' AS IS ' basis , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License .
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/* CFStreamAbstract.h
2019-02-26 16:59:46 -05:00
Copyright ( c ) 2000 - 2014 , Apple Inc . All rights reserved .
2015-03-11 16:59:59 -04:00
# include <CoreFoundation/CFStream.h>
/* During a stream's lifetime, the open callback will be called once, followed by any number of openCompleted calls (until openCompleted returns TRUE). Then any number of read/canRead or write/canWrite calls, then a single close call. copyProperty can be called at any time. prepareAsynch will be called exactly once when the stream's client is first configured.
Expected semantics :
- open reserves any system resources that are needed . The stream may start the process of opening , returning TRUE immediately and setting openComplete to FALSE . When the open completes , _CFStreamSignalEvent should be called passing kCFStreamOpenCompletedEvent . openComplete should be set to TRUE only if the open operation completed in its entirety .
- openCompleted will only be called after open has been called , but before any kCFStreamOpenCompletedEvent has been received . Return TRUE , setting error . code to 0 , if the open operation has completed . Return TRUE , setting error to the correct error code and domain if the open operation completed , but failed . Return FALSE if the open operation is still in - progress . If your open ever fails to complete ( i . e . sets openComplete to FALSE ) , you must be implement the openCompleted callback .
- read should read into the given buffer , returning the number of bytes successfully read . read must block until at least one byte is available , but should not block until the entire buffer is filled ; zero should only be returned if end - of - stream is encountered . atEOF should be set to true if the EOF is encountered , false otherwise . error . code should be set to zero if no error occurs ; otherwise , error should be set to the appropriate values .
- getBuffer is an optimization to return an internal buffer of bytes read from the stream , and may return NULL . getBuffer itself may be NULL if the concrete implementation does not wish to provide an internal buffer . If implemented , it should set numBytesRead to the number of bytes available in the internal buffer ( but should not exceed maxBytesToRead ) and return a pointer to the base of the bytes .
- canRead will only be called once openCompleted reports that the stream has been successfully opened ( or the initial open call succeeded ) . It should return whether there are bytes that can be read without blocking .
- write should write the bytes in the given buffer to the device , returning the number of bytes successfully written . write must block until at least one byte is written . error . code should be set to zero if no error occurs ; otherwise , error should be set to the appropriate values .
- close should close the device , releasing any reserved system resources . close cannot fail ( it may be called to abort the stream ) , and may be called at any time after open has been called . It will only be called once .
- copyProperty should return the value for the given property , or NULL if none exists . Composite streams ( streams built on top of other streams ) should take care to call CFStreamCopyProperty on the base stream if they do not recognize the property given , to give the underlying stream a chance to respond .
In all cases , errors returned by reference will be initialized to NULL by the caller , and if they are set to non - NULL , will
be released by the caller
typedef struct {
CFIndex version ; /* == 2 */
void * ( * create ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
void ( * finalize ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFStringRef ( * copyDescription ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * open ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFErrorRef * error , Boolean * openComplete , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * openCompleted ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFErrorRef * error , void * info ) ;
CFIndex ( * read ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , UInt8 * buffer , CFIndex bufferLength , CFErrorRef * error , Boolean * atEOF , void * info ) ;
const UInt8 * ( * getBuffer ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFIndex maxBytesToRead , CFIndex * numBytesRead , CFErrorRef * error , Boolean * atEOF , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * canRead ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFErrorRef * error , void * info ) ;
void ( * close ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFTypeRef ( * copyProperty ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * setProperty ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , CFTypeRef propertyValue , void * info ) ;
void ( * requestEvents ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFOptionFlags streamEvents , void * info ) ;
void ( * schedule ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
void ( * unschedule ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
} CFReadStreamCallBacks ;
typedef struct {
CFIndex version ; /* == 2 */
void * ( * create ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
void ( * finalize ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFStringRef ( * copyDescription ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * open ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFErrorRef * error , Boolean * openComplete , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * openCompleted ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFErrorRef * error , void * info ) ;
CFIndex ( * write ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , const UInt8 * buffer , CFIndex bufferLength , CFErrorRef * error , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * canWrite ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFErrorRef * error , void * info ) ;
void ( * close ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFTypeRef ( * copyProperty ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * setProperty ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , CFTypeRef propertyValue , void * info ) ;
void ( * requestEvents ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFOptionFlags streamEvents , void * info ) ;
void ( * schedule ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
void ( * unschedule ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
} CFWriteStreamCallBacks ;
// Primitive creation mechanisms.
CFReadStreamRef CFReadStreamCreate ( CFAllocatorRef alloc , const CFReadStreamCallBacks * callbacks , void * info ) ;
CFWriteStreamRef CFWriteStreamCreate ( CFAllocatorRef alloc , const CFWriteStreamCallBacks * callbacks , void * info ) ;
/* All the functions below can only be called when you are sure the stream in question was created via
CFReadStreamCreate ( ) or CFWriteStreamCreate ( ) , above . They are NOT safe for toll - free bridged objects ,
so the caller must be sure the argument passed is not such an object . */
// To be called by the concrete stream implementation (the callbacks) when an event occurs. error may be NULL if event != kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred
// error should be a CFErrorRef if the callbacks are version 2 or later; otherwise it should be a (CFStreamError *).
void CFReadStreamSignalEvent ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStreamEventType event , const void * error ) ;
void CFWriteStreamSignalEvent ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStreamEventType event , const void * error ) ;
// These require that the stream allow the run loop to run once before delivering the event to its client.
// See the comment above CFRead/WriteStreamSignalEvent for interpretation of the error argument.
void _CFReadStreamSignalEventDelayed ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStreamEventType event , const void * error ) ;
void _CFWriteStreamSignalEventDelayed ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStreamEventType event , const void * error ) ;
void _CFReadStreamClearEvent ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStreamEventType event ) ;
// Write variant not currently needed
//void _CFWriteStreamClearEvent(CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType event);
// Convenience for concrete implementations to extract the info pointer given the stream.
void * CFReadStreamGetInfoPointer ( CFReadStreamRef stream ) ;
void * CFWriteStreamGetInfoPointer ( CFWriteStreamRef stream ) ;
// Returns the client info pointer currently set on the stream. These should probably be made public one day.
void * _CFReadStreamGetClient ( CFReadStreamRef readStream ) ;
void * _CFWriteStreamGetClient ( CFWriteStreamRef writeStream ) ;
// Returns an array of the runloops and modes on which the stream is currently scheduled
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// Note that these are unretained mutable arrays - use the copy variant instead.
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CFArrayRef _CFReadStreamGetRunLoopsAndModes ( CFReadStreamRef readStream ) ;
CFArrayRef _CFWriteStreamGetRunLoopsAndModes ( CFWriteStreamRef writeStream ) ;
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// Returns an array of the runloops and modes on which the stream is currently scheduled
CFArrayRef _CFReadStreamCopyRunLoopsAndModes ( CFReadStreamRef readStream ) ;
CFArrayRef _CFWriteStreamCopyRunLoopsAndModes ( CFWriteStreamRef writeStream ) ;
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/* Deprecated versions; here for backwards compatibility. */
typedef struct {
CFIndex version ; /* == 1 */
void * ( * create ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
void ( * finalize ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFStringRef ( * copyDescription ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * open ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStreamError * error , Boolean * openComplete , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * openCompleted ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStreamError * error , void * info ) ;
CFIndex ( * read ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , UInt8 * buffer , CFIndex bufferLength , CFStreamError * error , Boolean * atEOF , void * info ) ;
const UInt8 * ( * getBuffer ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFIndex maxBytesToRead , CFIndex * numBytesRead , CFStreamError * error , Boolean * atEOF , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * canRead ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
void ( * close ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFTypeRef ( * copyProperty ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * setProperty ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , CFTypeRef propertyValue , void * info ) ;
void ( * requestEvents ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFOptionFlags streamEvents , void * info ) ;
void ( * schedule ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
void ( * unschedule ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
} CFReadStreamCallBacksV1 ;
typedef struct {
CFIndex version ; /* == 1 */
void * ( * create ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
void ( * finalize ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFStringRef ( * copyDescription ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * open ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStreamError * error , Boolean * openComplete , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * openCompleted ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStreamError * error , void * info ) ;
CFIndex ( * write ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , const UInt8 * buffer , CFIndex bufferLength , CFStreamError * error , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * canWrite ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
void ( * close ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFTypeRef ( * copyProperty ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * setProperty ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , CFTypeRef propertyValue , void * info ) ;
void ( * requestEvents ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFOptionFlags streamEvents , void * info ) ;
void ( * schedule ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
void ( * unschedule ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
} CFWriteStreamCallBacksV1 ;
typedef struct {
CFIndex version ; /* == 0 */
Boolean ( * open ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStreamError * error , Boolean * openComplete , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * openCompleted ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStreamError * error , void * info ) ;
CFIndex ( * read ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , UInt8 * buffer , CFIndex bufferLength , CFStreamError * error , Boolean * atEOF , void * info ) ;
const UInt8 * ( * getBuffer ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFIndex maxBytesToRead , CFIndex * numBytesRead , CFStreamError * error , Boolean * atEOF , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * canRead ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
void ( * close ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFTypeRef ( * copyProperty ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , void * info ) ;
void ( * schedule ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
void ( * unschedule ) ( CFReadStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
} CFReadStreamCallBacksV0 ;
typedef struct {
CFIndex version ; /* == 0 */
Boolean ( * open ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStreamError * error , Boolean * openComplete , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * openCompleted ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStreamError * error , void * info ) ;
CFIndex ( * write ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , const UInt8 * buffer , CFIndex bufferLength , CFStreamError * error , void * info ) ;
Boolean ( * canWrite ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
void ( * close ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , void * info ) ;
CFTypeRef ( * copyProperty ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFStringRef propertyName , void * info ) ;
void ( * schedule ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
void ( * unschedule ) ( CFWriteStreamRef stream , CFRunLoopRef runLoop , CFStringRef runLoopMode , void * info ) ;
} CFWriteStreamCallBacksV0 ;