<ahref="#pub-methods">Public Member Functions</a>|
<ahref="classcrashpad_1_1CompositeHTTPBodyStream-members.html">List of all members</a></div>
<divclass="title">crashpad::CompositeHTTPBodyStream Class Reference</div></div>
<p>An implementation of <aclass="el"href="classcrashpad_1_1HTTPBodyStream.html"title="An interface to a stream that can be used for an HTTP request body. ">HTTPBodyStream</a> that combines an array of several other <aclass="el"href="classcrashpad_1_1HTTPBodyStream.html"title="An interface to a stream that can be used for an HTTP request body. ">HTTPBodyStream</a> objects into a single, unified stream.
<areahref="classcrashpad_1_1HTTPBodyStream.html"title="An interface to a stream that can be used for an HTTP request body. "alt="crashpad::HTTPBodyStream"shape="rect"coords="0,0,228,24"/>
<trclass="memdesc:acadd842a8a9d844fd13f482858290993"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Creates a stream from an array of other stream parts. <ahref="#acadd842a8a9d844fd13f482858290993">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:a66355480dd05beba77261f0a512d3e70"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Copies up to <em>max_len</em> bytes into the user-supplied buffer. <ahref="#a66355480dd05beba77261f0a512d3e70">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<divclass="textblock"><p>An implementation of <aclass="el"href="classcrashpad_1_1HTTPBodyStream.html"title="An interface to a stream that can be used for an HTTP request body. ">HTTPBodyStream</a> that combines an array of several other <aclass="el"href="classcrashpad_1_1HTTPBodyStream.html"title="An interface to a stream that can be used for an HTTP request body. ">HTTPBodyStream</a> objects into a single, unified stream. </p>
</div><h2class="groupheader">Constructor & Destructor Documentation</h2>
<p>Creates a stream from an array of other stream parts. </p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">parts</td><td>A vector of <aclass="el"href="classcrashpad_1_1HTTPBodyStream.html"title="An interface to a stream that can be used for an HTTP request body. ">HTTPBodyStream</a> objects, of which this object takes ownership, that will be represented as a single unified stream. Callers should not mutate the stream objects after passing them to an instance of this class. </td></tr>
<h2class="groupheader">Member Function Documentation</h2>
<p>Copies up to <em>max_len</em> bytes into the user-supplied buffer. </p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[out]</td><tdclass="paramname">buffer</td><td>A user-supplied buffer into which this method will copy bytes from the stream. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">max_len</td><td>The length (or size) of <em>buffer</em>. At most this many bytes will be copied.</td></tr>
<dlclass="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>On success, a positive number indicating the number of bytes actually copied to <em>buffer</em>. On failure, a negative number. When the stream has no more data, returns <code>0</code>. </dd></dl>