<trclass="memdesc:"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Information about a symbol in a module’s symbol table. <ahref="structcrashpad_1_1MachOImageSymbolTableReader_1_1SymbolInformation.html#details">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:a2393f96ffcde38cb54752b1d75ed5f7b"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Reads the symbol table from another process. <ahref="#a2393f96ffcde38cb54752b1d75ed5f7b">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<trclass="memdesc:ac85da22c3a7915bb5869a77765c9ffbc"><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Looks up a symbol in the image’s symbol table. <ahref="#ac85da22c3a7915bb5869a77765c9ffbc">More...</a><br/></td></tr>
<p>Reads the symbol table from another process. </p>
<p>This method must only be called once on an object. This method must be called successfully before any other method in this class may be called.</p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">process_reader</td><td>The reader for the remote process. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">symtab_command</td><td>The <code>LC_SYMTAB</code> load command that identifies the symbol table. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">dysymtab_command</td><td>The <code>LC_DYSYMTAB</code> load command that identifies dynamic symbol information within the symbol table. This load command is not present in all modules, and this parameter may be <code>nullptr</code> for modules that do not have this information. When present, <em>dysymtab_command</em> is an optimization that allows the symbol table reader to only examine symbol table entries known to be relevant for its purposes. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">linkedit_segment</td><td>The <code>__LINKEDIT</code> segment. This segment should contain the data referenced by <em>symtab_command</em> and <em>dysymtab_command</em>. This may be any segment in the module, but by convention, the name <code>__LINKEDIT</code> is used for this purpose. </td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">module_info</td><td>A string to be used in logged messages. This string is for diagnostic purposes only, and may be empty.</td></tr>
<dlclass="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd><code>true</code> if the symbol table was read successfully. <code>false</code> otherwise, with an appropriate message logged. </dd></dl>
<p>Looks up a symbol in the image’s symbol table. </p>
<p>The returned information captures the symbol as it exists in the image’s symbol table, not adjusted for any “slide.”</p>
<tr><tdclass="paramdir">[in]</td><tdclass="paramname">name</td><td>The name of the symbol to look up, “mangled” or “decorated” appropriately. For example, use <code>"_main"</code> to look up the symbol for the C <code>main()</code> function, and use <code>"__Z4Funcv"</code> to look up the symbol for the C++ <code>Func()</code> function.</td></tr>
<dlclass="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>A SymbolInformation* object with information about the symbol if it was found, or <code>nullptr</code> if the symbol was not found or if an error occurred. On error, a warning message will also be logged. The caller does not take ownership; the lifetime of the returned object is scoped to the lifetime of this <aclass="el"href="classcrashpad_1_1MachOImageSymbolTableReader.html"title="A reader for symbol tables in Mach-O images mapped into another process. ">MachOImageSymbolTableReader</a> object.</dd></dl>
<dlclass="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>Symbol values returned via this interface are not adjusted for “slide.” For slide-adjusted values, use the higher-level <aclass="el"href="classcrashpad_1_1MachOImageReader.html#adbaaf5a08d6e67fe7128d171cd11b176"title="Looks up a symbol in the image’s symbol table. ">MachOImageReader::LookUpExternalDefinedSymbol()</a> interface. </dd></dl>