
407 lines
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// Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "util/stdlib/string_number_conversion.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <array>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#define STRINGIFY(a) STR(a)
#define STR(a) #a
template <typename TValueType>
struct TestSpecification {
const char* string;
bool valid;
TValueType value;
// Signed 32-bit test data
template <typename TIntType,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<TIntType>::value &&
std::is_signed<TIntType>::value &&
(sizeof(TIntType) == 4)>::type* = nullptr>
static constexpr std::array<TestSpecification<TIntType>, 61> kTestDataFunc() {
return {{
{"", false, 0},
{"0", true, 0},
{"1", true, 1},
{"2147483647", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
{"2147483648", false, 0},
{"4294967295", false, 0},
{"4294967296", false, 0},
{"-1", true, -1},
{"-2147483648", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::min()},
{"-2147483649", false, 0},
{"00", true, 0},
{"01", true, 1},
{"-01", true, -1},
{"+2", true, 2},
{"0x10", true, 16},
{"-0x10", true, -16},
{"+0x20", true, 32},
{"0xf", true, 15},
{"0xg", false, 0},
{"0x7fffffff", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
{"0x7FfFfFfF", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
{"0x80000000", false, 0},
{"0xFFFFFFFF", false, 0},
{"-0x7fffffff", true, -2147483647},
{"-0x80000000", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::min()},
{"-0x80000001", false, 0},
{"-0xffffffff", false, 0},
{"0x100000000", false, 0},
{"0xabcdef", true, 11259375},
{"010", true, 8},
{"-010", true, -8},
{"+020", true, 16},
{"07", true, 7},
{"08", false, 0},
{" 0", false, 0},
{"0 ", false, 0},
{" 0 ", false, 0},
{" 1", false, 0},
{"1 ", false, 0},
{" 1 ", false, 0},
{"a2", false, 0},
{"2a", false, 0},
{"2a2", false, 0},
{".0", false, 0},
{".1", false, 0},
{"-.2", false, 0},
{"+.3", false, 0},
{"1.23", false, 0},
{"-273.15", false, 0},
{"+98.6", false, 0},
{"1e1", false, 0},
{"1E1", false, 0},
{"0x123p4", false, 0},
{"infinity", false, 0},
{"NaN", false, 0},
{"-9223372036854775810", false, 0},
{"-9223372036854775809", false, 0},
{"9223372036854775808", false, 0},
{"9223372036854775809", false, 0},
{"18446744073709551615", false, 0},
{"18446744073709551616", false, 0},
// Unsigned 32-bit test data
template <typename TIntType,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<TIntType>::value &&
!std::is_signed<TIntType>::value &&
(sizeof(TIntType) == 4)>::type* = nullptr>
static constexpr std::array<TestSpecification<TIntType>, 61> kTestDataFunc() {
return {{
{"", false, 0},
{"0", true, 0},
{"1", true, 1},
{"2147483647", true, 2147483647},
{"2147483648", true, 2147483648},
{"4294967295", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
{"4294967296", false, 0},
{"-1", false, 0},
{"-2147483648", false, 0},
{"-2147483649", false, 0},
{"00", true, 0},
{"01", true, 1},
{"-01", false, 0},
{"+2", true, 2},
{"0x10", true, 16},
{"-0x10", false, 0},
{"+0x20", true, 32},
{"0xf", true, 15},
{"0xg", false, 0},
{"0x7fffffff", true, 0x7fffffff},
{"0x7FfFfFfF", true, 0x7fffffff},
{"0x80000000", true, 0x80000000},
{"0xFFFFFFFF", true, 0xffffffff},
{"-0x7fffffff", false, 0},
{"-0x80000000", false, 0},
{"-0x80000001", false, 0},
{"-0xffffffff", false, 0},
{"0x100000000", false, 0},
{"0xabcdef", true, 11259375},
{"010", true, 8},
{"-010", false, 0},
{"+020", true, 16},
{"07", true, 7},
{"08", false, 0},
{" 0", false, 0},
{"0 ", false, 0},
{" 0 ", false, 0},
{" 1", false, 0},
{"1 ", false, 0},
{" 1 ", false, 0},
{"a2", false, 0},
{"2a", false, 0},
{"2a2", false, 0},
{".0", false, 0},
{".1", false, 0},
{"-.2", false, 0},
{"+.3", false, 0},
{"1.23", false, 0},
{"-273.15", false, 0},
{"+98.6", false, 0},
{"1e1", false, 0},
{"1E1", false, 0},
{"0x123p4", false, 0},
{"infinity", false, 0},
{"NaN", false, 0},
{"-9223372036854775810", false, 0},
{"-9223372036854775809", false, 0},
{"9223372036854775808", false, 0},
{"9223372036854775809", false, 0},
{"18446744073709551615", false, 0},
{"18446744073709551616", false, 0},
// Signed 64-bit test data
template <typename TIntType,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<TIntType>::value &&
std::is_signed<TIntType>::value &&
(sizeof(TIntType) == 8)>::type* = nullptr>
static constexpr std::array<TestSpecification<TIntType>, 24> kTestDataFunc() {
return {{
{"", false, 0},
{"0", true, 0},
{"1", true, 1},
{"2147483647", true, 2147483647},
{"2147483648", true, 2147483648},
{"4294967295", true, 4294967295},
{"4294967296", true, 4294967296},
{"9223372036854775807", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
{"9223372036854775808", false, 0},
{"18446744073709551615", false, 0},
{"18446744073709551616", false, 0},
{"-1", true, -1},
{"-2147483648", true, INT64_C(-2147483648)},
{"-2147483649", true, INT64_C(-2147483649)},
{"-9223372036854775808", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::min()},
{"-9223372036854775809", false, 0},
{"0x7fffffffffffffff", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
{"0x8000000000000000", false, 0},
{"0xffffffffffffffff", false, 0},
{"0x10000000000000000", false, 0},
{"-0x7fffffffffffffff", true, -9223372036854775807},
{"-0x8000000000000000", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::min()},
{"-0x8000000000000001", false, 0},
{"0x7Fffffffffffffff", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
// Unsigned 64-bit test data
template <typename TIntType,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<TIntType>::value &&
!std::is_signed<TIntType>::value &&
(sizeof(TIntType) == 8)>::type* = nullptr>
static constexpr std::array<TestSpecification<TIntType>, 25> kTestDataFunc() {
return {{
{"", false, 0},
{"0", true, 0},
{"1", true, 1},
{"2147483647", true, 2147483647},
{"2147483648", true, 2147483648},
{"4294967295", true, 4294967295},
{"4294967296", true, 4294967296},
{"9223372036854775807", true, 9223372036854775807},
{"9223372036854775808", true, 9223372036854775808u},
{"18446744073709551615", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
{"18446744073709551616", false, 0},
{"-1", false, 0},
{"-2147483648", false, 0},
{"-2147483649", false, 0},
{"-2147483648", false, 0},
{"-9223372036854775808", false, 0},
{"-9223372036854775809", false, 0},
{"0x7fffffffffffffff", true, 9223372036854775807},
{"0x8000000000000000", true, 9223372036854775808u},
{"0xffffffffffffffff", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
{"0x10000000000000000", false, 0},
{"-0x7fffffffffffffff", false, 0},
{"-0x8000000000000000", false, 0},
{"-0x8000000000000001", false, 0},
{"0xFfffffffffffffff", true, std::numeric_limits<TIntType>::max()},
// This string is split to avoid MSVC warning:
// "decimal digit terminates octal escape sequence".
static constexpr char kEmbeddedNullInputRaw[] = "6\000" "6";
namespace crashpad {
namespace test {
namespace {
TEST(StringNumberConversion, StringToInt) {
static_assert(sizeof(int) == 4, "Test only configured for 32-bit int.");
static constexpr auto kTestData = kTestDataFunc<int>();
for (size_t index = 0; index < kTestData.size(); ++index) {
int value;
bool valid = StringToNumber(kTestData[index].string, &value);
if (kTestData[index].valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string;
if (valid) {
EXPECT_EQ(value, kTestData[index].value)
<< "index " << index << ", string " << kTestData[index].string;
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string << ", value " << value;
// Ensure that embedded NUL characters are treated as bad input. The string
// is split to avoid MSVC warning:
// "decimal digit terminates octal escape sequence".
int output;
std::string kEmbeddedNullInput(kEmbeddedNullInputRaw,
std::size(kEmbeddedNullInputRaw) - 1);
EXPECT_FALSE(StringToNumber(kEmbeddedNullInput, &output));
TEST(StringNumberConversion, StringToUnsignedInt) {
static_assert(sizeof(unsigned int) == 4,
"Test only configured for 32-bit unsigned int.");
static constexpr auto kTestData = kTestDataFunc<unsigned int>();
for (size_t index = 0; index < kTestData.size(); ++index) {
unsigned int value;
bool valid = StringToNumber(kTestData[index].string, &value);
if (kTestData[index].valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string;
if (valid) {
EXPECT_EQ(value, kTestData[index].value)
<< "index " << index << ", string " << kTestData[index].string;
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string << ", value " << value;
// Ensure that embedded NUL characters are treated as bad input. The string
// is split to avoid MSVC warning:
// "decimal digit terminates octal escape sequence".
unsigned int output;
std::string kEmbeddedNullInput(kEmbeddedNullInputRaw,
std::size(kEmbeddedNullInputRaw) - 1);
EXPECT_FALSE(StringToNumber(kEmbeddedNullInput, &output));
TEST(StringNumberConversion, StringToLong) {
sizeof(long) == 4 || sizeof(long) == 8,
"Test not configured for " STRINGIFY(__SIZEOF_LONG__) "-byte long");
static constexpr auto kTestData = kTestDataFunc<long>();
for (size_t index = 0; index < kTestData.size(); ++index) {
long value;
bool valid = StringToNumber(kTestData[index].string, &value);
if (kTestData[index].valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string;
if (valid) {
EXPECT_EQ(value, kTestData[index].value)
<< "index " << index << ", string " << kTestData[index].string;
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string << ", value " << value;
TEST(StringNumberConversion, StringToUnsignedLong) {
sizeof(long) == 4 || sizeof(long) == 8,
"Test not configured for " STRINGIFY(__SIZEOF_LONG__) "-byte long");
static constexpr auto kTestData = kTestDataFunc<unsigned long>();
for (size_t index = 0; index < kTestData.size(); ++index) {
unsigned long value;
bool valid = StringToNumber(kTestData[index].string, &value);
if (kTestData[index].valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string;
if (valid) {
EXPECT_EQ(value, kTestData[index].value)
<< "index " << index << ", string " << kTestData[index].string;
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string << ", value " << value;
TEST(StringNumberConversion, StringToLongLong) {
static_assert(sizeof(long long) == 8,
"Test only configured for 64-bit long long.");
static constexpr auto kTestData = kTestDataFunc<long long>();
for (size_t index = 0; index < kTestData.size(); ++index) {
long long value;
bool valid = StringToNumber(kTestData[index].string, &value);
if (kTestData[index].valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string;
if (valid) {
EXPECT_EQ(value, kTestData[index].value)
<< "index " << index << ", string " << kTestData[index].string;
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string << ", value " << value;
TEST(StringNumberConversion, StringToUnsignedLongLong) {
static_assert(sizeof(unsigned long long) == 8,
"Test only configured for 64-bit unsigned long long.");
static constexpr auto kTestData = kTestDataFunc<unsigned long long>();
for (size_t index = 0; index < kTestData.size(); ++index) {
unsigned long long value;
bool valid = StringToNumber(kTestData[index].string, &value);
if (kTestData[index].valid) {
EXPECT_TRUE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string;
if (valid) {
test: Use (actual, [un]expected) in gtest {ASSERT,EXPECT}_{EQ,NE} gtest used to require (expected, actual) ordering for arguments to EXPECT_EQ and ASSERT_EQ, and in failed test assertions would identify each side as “expected” or “actual.” Tests in Crashpad adhered to this traditional ordering. After a gtest change in February 2016, it is now agnostic with respect to the order of these arguments. This change mechanically updates all uses of these macros to (actual, expected) by reversing them. This provides consistency with our use of the logging CHECK_EQ and DCHECK_EQ macros, and makes for better readability by ordinary native speakers. The rough (but working!) conversion tool is, and “git cl format” cleaned up its output. EXPECT_NE and ASSERT_NE never had a preferred ordering. gtest never made a judgment that one side or the other needed to provide an “unexpected” value. Consequently, some code used (unexpected, actual) while other code used (actual, unexpected). For consistency with the new EXPECT_EQ and ASSERT_EQ usage, as well as consistency with CHECK_NE and DCHECK_NE, this change also updates these use sites to (actual, unexpected) where one side can be called “unexpected” as, for example, std::string::npos can be. Unfortunately, this portion was a manual conversion. References: Change-Id: I978fef7c94183b8b1ef63f12f5ab4d6693626be3 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Scott Graham <>
2017-04-04 00:35:21 -04:00
EXPECT_EQ(value, kTestData[index].value)
<< "index " << index << ", string " << kTestData[index].string;
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(valid) << "index " << index << ", string "
<< kTestData[index].string << ", value " << value;
} // namespace
} // namespace test
} // namespace crashpad